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Innon Online Learning Platform

The Niagara 4 Innon Online Learning Platform has been developed to enable our EMEA Tridium Partners to learn the principles of working with Niagara 4 with self-paced learning. The knowledge learnt within the platform will allow users to build a firm foundation of Niagara 4 knowledge which will help them when they decide to take the next step and become TCP certified.

Users can structure their learning around their schedules and commitments, helping to take the stress out of learning. Completion of the modules is a deadline that you set yourself or in agreement with your manager.

If you're a manager, you will have visibility over your team members progress through the different modules and how frequently they log into the platform. There isn't a limit on the number of users that can be registered onto the platform, so your whole team can start their Niagara 4 journey. 

Once users have achieved TCP certification, the platform will still be helpful as the modules can refresh their knowledge and keep their skills sharp.

Start our online learning journey by completing the form below